Six Thinking Hats

The six thinking hats can essentially be summarized as an effective method of organizing and discussing different ideas from different perspectives. The six perspectives (or thinking hats) are as follows: Information, Emotion, Judgment, Optimism, Creativity, and Management.

Information focuses on the objective facts from a neutral perspective. Emotion primarily focuses on someone's feelings on a subject matter, it's a perspective that invokes pathos. Judgment emphasizes caution and hesitation; it emphasizes logical thought and rational reasoning as to why something may or may not be effective. Optimism, much like Emotion, emphasizes a person's emotions toward a subject matter. It focuses on being constructive and encouraging towards an idea and why it could potentially be effective. Creativity focuses on deep thought and consideration towards a subject. It's a perspective that encourages seeking out new information in order to innovate new ideas and create something truly unique. Management emphasizes organization and structure. This perspective keeps every idea concise and prevents confusion from occurring.

Based on my discussion of my project through the Six Thinking Hats, it's really helped broaden my perspectives on how to design my project. It's taught me that it's important to view a project objectively as well as emotionally in order to increase it's reach and scope, in addition to keeping everyone involved with the project on the right track and minimize confusion.